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At What Age Can Dementia Set In?

A senior lady relaxes on her couch and recalls a fond memory that brings a smile to her face.

Dementia is more than just occasional forgetfulness—it’s a serious group of conditions that affects millions of individuals and their families worldwide. While dementia is typically age-related and sets in after 65, it could develop in adults as young as 30 or 40 in early onset dementia. Understanding dementia, its early signs, and how it impacts […]

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Benefits of Spending Time Outside for Seniors

2 seniors are riding their bikes on a grassy dirt path through the woods as warm sunlight blankets the tall trees and lush green bushes.

Spending time outdoors isn’t an age-specific activity—everyone at every age can benefit from spending time outdoors. From enhancing physical health and cognitive function to boosting mental well-being and creativity, the benefits of spending time outside are plentiful.  Human beings thrive when they connect with nature. For seniors, this connection is especially important for promoting their […]

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How To Help An Elderly Parent Who Can’t Walk?

An adult child helps support their elderly mother with crutches by holding her arms.

Becoming a caregiver for an elderly parent is a profound act of love and responsibility and can be rewarding and challenging. When a parent’s health begins to decline, they may find themselves unable to walk, with significant impacts on their daily living routine.  You can support your parent through this transition by providing physical and […]

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5 Worst Foods For Memory Loss

An assortment of unhealthy foods like chips, fries, donuts, and candy laid out on a table.

Memory loss is one of the natural concerns that many people have as they age. While there are many ways to prevent memory loss, such as maintaining mental and physical health, sleeping well, quitting smoking, and staying social. But one often overlooked aspect of memory health is our daily diet.  The foods we eat can […]

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7 Health Benefits of Gardening for Seniors

An elderly couple smiling and planting flowers outdoors.

Gardening has long been revered as a therapeutic activity and practice that nurtures both the plants and the individual. Benefits from gardening include physical exercise, psychological wellness, and cooperative social opportunities.  Senior living communities support older adults’ overall health and well-being with care, comfort, and various opportunities to explore new hobbies such as gardening and […]

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